Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Positivity & Pastries

Hi Dolls! 

Let's chat about when things go awry. While disappointing, it 's important not to let one miss turn knock you off track. Recently, my refrigerator shelves collapsed, smashing dozens of freshly made desserts.  Quickly, I grabbed the remaining frosting thinking only of the event and photos to come. The set up, client feedback, and potential social media reach; all motivated me. Thus, maintaining my creative tunnel vision. With speed and a full pastry bag I iced over what could have been a disaster. So darlings, remember there is nothing positive thought and a pastry cannot fix! 


After ( Photo Credit: Switch Focus Studios)

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Running Balance

Good Morning Followers!
     It’s Christine here! As we are hairspray deep in weddings, projects, bridal meetings and my own wedding to-do-list; I want to give you a little insight into how I balance everything. With a long to-do list at the start of everyday; I deal with it in little chunks of time. Yes, it sounds crazy and tempting to procrastinate those cumbersome tasks but once they are given their chunk of time; they will be knocked out. Setting times to accomplishing all the “what the heck” items adds focus, vision, and motivation to complete them. So take a deep breath, set a time, and dig in darlings!

    Providing Balance:

- Running
o        5ks only… Saving ½ marathons+ till I’ve said “I Do”.  Running is a no cell phone time unless it’s wedding week! Providing clarity, focus, and major stress relief.
- Sleeping
o       Yes, there are nights that I pull my covers up at 3:00AM. But on most nights I snuggle in at 10:00PM giving me the stored sleep and sanity to tackle all those 3am emergency task.  
- Friends
o       Sometimes I really need a good laugh and the wedding professionals that are right in there with me on wedding days are the people who can completely understand those times that being a wedding planner is just plain; not so glamorous. Their humor and guidance are the best at helping me conquer those times.
- Date Night!
o       FiancĂ© time gives me time to concentrate on our growing relationship. Listening to his dreams, desires, loves, hates, and everything in between inspires me personally and professionally.  He has truly amazing ideas about Celebrations of Love from a completely different perspective (he is in the car business).

That’s all for now; I am soooooo excited for more entries to come. Please let Whitney and I know if you would like to hear about something in particular. Combined we have seen, learned, experienced A WHOLE lot!
~~ Christine
Insider Glimpse: Celebrations of Love Annex 

Friday, May 9, 2014


Oh, we know our first post should be an amazing photo of us. Yes, yes. But, in all reality we are not ready to share makeup less midnight crafting instagram with you. We promise to snap a few soon so stay posted! For now meet the planners:  Christine's a soon to be Mrs., runaholic, and the fabulous owner of Celebrations of Love. Whitney's always a bridesmaid, shopaholic, and the awesome owner of Confetti Events. Both born and raised in the Midwest, Alpha Delta Pi alumna, member's of Thursday Therapy KC, addicts of the color purple, instagram, and caffeine are thrilled to share their behind the scenes glimpse of event planning with you! XO

Pearl of Wisdom #1
For outside events the cake is the last thing set up. If the cake is needed earlier for pictures even though tacky and unsightly place a large styrofoam cooler over the cake providing a shaded, cool, bug free, finger licking free fortress. Keep Calm & Save the Cake!